Word Salad (2015)

For orchestra [3:30]. Composed for the New River Valley Symphony Orchestra.

Word Salad was inspired by deep thought about the meaning of music. It is a musical debate of two different views on this topic: music is purely sound versus music evokes something else. The piece uses three themes to debate over this topic; the first and third themes try to demonstrate music as purely sound and the second theme tries to demonstrate music that evokes a state of mind, by evoking the state of mind experienced while composing the third theme. The piece begins with the first theme, then the second theme gradually takes over and helps everyone to “compose” the third theme, which comes in at the end.


Nov 5, 2015. Anne and Ellen Fife Theatre, Moss Arts Center. Blacksburg, VA. Premiered by the New River Valley Symphony Orchestra at their Fall 2015 Concert.